Judge Hansen - The judge that ruled on my divorce proceeding. She was so incredibly biased that she shut down every motion in my face to make sure the ex-husband had it all or more importantly treat me like a deranged woman that did not know what she was asking for.  She shot down motions where in I asked for my girls routines not to be disrupted so that  my girls might have no changes in their routines and all the activities they were part of. She ensured that the motion did not get heard. She also ensured that she ignored the fact that my ex-husband made executive decisions about terminating everything that they were raised with, especially when we had joint custody even before she passed a sole custody order. She even failed to instruct the ex-husband as to what joint custody means and why it is important to confer with the other spouse as long as she has joint custody.

The ex-husband had numerous allegations in his affidavit about how irresponsibly I spent money, how I continually demanded money, how afraid he is for his life,  because if he does not give me the money there was no telling as to what might happen or what I might do. I handed both the psychologist and the custody evaluator an entire year worth credit card statements for them to inspect to see if the ex-husband was lying. The evaluators complained that they were given too much evidence when It was their job to evaluate the evidence and then make recommendations. Instead of doing their job which is to inspect evidence at hand, they chose to rely on old medical records which was based of course on the ex-husband's affidavit.  The strategy executed by the ex-husband  for 3 straight years beginning with the mental health labels in 2012, then the continual police home calls initiated by the ex-husband to show a deranged wife that he was so fearful of until 2015 when he initiated the divorce to give him the custodial advantage that his strategy sought was lost on the evaluators.  Judge Hansen turned the other way and let the evaluators get away with it.

Judge Hansen even went as far as asking me why I did not hire a lawyer on a $1000 spousal support. Does she know what it is like to live on $1000 while learning everything about the law from scratch, spending on copying costs, spending on Fedex costs, spending on any evidence that can be gathered while he has a fancy attorney from the get go? Then after allotting the evaluators 9 months to simply produce a  re-iteration of what was said in the medical records,  she practiced the worst form of judicial misconduct when she refused to question the evaluators as to why it to took them 9 months to simply produce a blanket re-iteration of what was already stated. She refused to question them on what additional investigation if any was conducted to refute the statements on the ex-husband's affidavit. His word on the affidavit was gospel truth. My word did not mean anything or was sheer garbage as it came out of the mouth of a woman who he had attached a dozen mental health labels to. She then proceeded to refused me any additional time so I could subpoena witnesses whose testimony he had used in his affidavit without presenting them in court for cross examination or time that I would need to present expert opinions to refute what was being stated in court by the court appointed examiners.  The concept that I would need to see what recommendations might be produced in court so that I could use what was produced as a basis to procure the appropriate opinions was lost on her. She seemed to think that I should have just gone after every medical expert out there to show that I was capable of raising my children when the sad fact is that no expert will take the stand or put their word behind your abilities once social services is involved as no one wants to be blamed for any mishap later. Such is the morbid bitter reality of your life once you are labeled. If you do not throw the first punch and call out the abuse, you are doomed to fail in the system.

Then she chose to impact me even more - allotted me $4050 in spousal maintenance, asked me to  leave the house I lived in, fund all my expenses which meant -  find my own apartment, pay for my moving costs, pay for rent, auto loan that the ex-husband had purchased which was high, auto insurance, gas expenses, medical insurance, all utilities, grocery, my legal expenses, supervised visitation costs to visit with my children for 4 hrs a month, about a $1000 in taxes on a monthly basis and everything that went with living on your own which left me barely less than $200 for food which she seemed to be blind to. She even chose to be blind to how much he was making which was $15,000 a month with every exemption under the sun, what is life style was and what is lawyer representation was from the get go, all because I was once declared mentally ill. She ensured of no time granted to me to solicit experts so that I would not be able to refute the medical records the ex-husband had so expertly crafted in 2012. Had she done that she would have seen me refute it all like I did post trial i.e. the months I spent undoing all the damage trying to clean up my record and finally succeeding in  2018.

Patrick Burns

The lawyer that was hired because my parents finally gave me some money after they saw what the trial courts did to me on the basis of medical records with no investigation into the amount of lies that were stated, which included the ex-husbands perjured statements on the stand. I think the only reason my parents gave me that money was because I went all out after the divorce was initiated to call out the cowards they truly were. In fact such were the acts of their cowardice that they even refused to fly into the United States to give testimony to the parenting style they had witnessed. From the day of my surgery in 2010, they spent 3 months with me where they lived with me in my home on their vacation in 2011, 2012, and then again 2014. Don't u think they had witnessed enough where they could have offered their testimony?? When I called out how callous they were towards not wanting to know what had happened to me after the surgery and  when I called out the embodiment of the mockery they stood for as a parent not even remotely curious of what kind of specialist care I might need, they knew that this was a daughter that would not go down quietly. They did not want to come across as out and out as parents that never did anything for me so they have me some money  after I was thrown out of my home after the trial ended and after I had lost custody of my girls to hire an appellate court lawyer for an appeal. Patrick Burns was that lawyer. His approach towards me was that since I had a mental health diagnosis, I should succumb to the opposing counsel, co-operate and accept what they offered and put it to bed. How was he my lawyer? Did he give up on me even before the case began because of my medical records? I chose to ignore those prejudicial comments as long as he did his job. He signed a contract with me that stated that he will not file any document in court including the appellate brief without my approval. I constantly told him that I would need 3 weeks prior to his filing in the appellate court as there would be changes that could go back and forth and it was necessary that we allot ourselves that time. It fell on deaf ears. He not only filed the document without my approval but also made the executive decision to not present an argument before the appellate court which was the sole reason a lawyer was hired as only a lawyer can present an argument before a panel of appellate judges in the appellate court.  Had the appellate court not required the presentation of an  argument by a lawyer I would have presented it myself pro se like I did in the trial courts.  He ditched the case at the last minute as he had known from the get go that the appellate court very rarely overturn a lower courts decision and more importantly his chances of winning a mental health case was slimmer so he took as much money as he could and he ran. The case was no longer worth it to him as it was detrimental to his ego to loose in court. 


- My Court Appointed Psychiatrist Dr. Thomas Gratzer from 2012 who advocated to no end for me to be medicated in 2012, who was instrumental for the jarvis order that ordered to neuroleptics to be injected for 6 months straight,  inspite of not seeing a single instance of profanity in the hospital ( a 30 day in patient stay in 2012), purely on the basis of my ex-husband's affidavit alone ensured of a mental health diagnosis for life.  Today his visit notes from when I met him again  in 2015 states, that he thought it was something minor and that he would not even recommend a committal for, Nor medication for. Why did he then find it so serious in  2012 and want 6 months of committal with neuroleptics? Why did he order to continue to pack me with medication for an additional 3 months after the 6 month committal timeframe especially when he did not even see a single instance of profanity in hospital?  He never recommended a single test. In fact not one doctor on the list below recommended any tests when there are so many tests available, such as FMRI scans, PET scans, looking for certain biomarkers in the brain. They chose not to do a single test and instead chose to simply marry up the statements made by my ex-husband to a DSM V book to label me. How preposterous is it for not a single test to be conducted when your neurological system is under attack immediately following a surgery. Nobody wakes up mentally ill from a surgery table unless the neurological system got exposed to something toxic. Not one question was asked, just a need to label me.

- My outpatient appointed psychiatrist Dr. Kennedy from 2012 who supported the commitment in 2012 and who was asked over and over in 2012 as to what basis was he choosing to committ me to the medication stated by the Jarvis order for 6 months, especially when the doctors in the hospital had not witnessed a single episode during the 30 day inpatient stay , -- when I met him again in Nov 2016, stated, that he would recommend no medication for me and that he supported my need to not take any antipsychotics as he saw no reason for me to do so. In fact he went as far as to be so vocal when he said he has not seen a single instance where he sees a patient walk into the  room experience episodes and then walk out and not experience any. However, when it came time to  putting pen to paper in his report he could not write down his bold statement but however did put in his note that I do not need medication and that I could benefit from individual psychotherapy. 

Dr Ekern a psychiatrist, was willing to write in his report that he has not seen a case like me in his notes. He blatantly stated to me that schizophrenics cannot exercise self control in my recording with him however did not state it on his note. 

- Dr. Daniel Kessler was willing to state to my face that schizophrenics do not exercise self control, and that I do not marry up to a definition of  a  Dissociative Identity Disorder, nor do I do not marry up to Tourettes, nor do I  marry up to Schizophrenia and in fact, not to any disorder in his book that he would be aware of. He said I was a first on him in 27 years of his career. When I asked him to put down what he told me in his notes he told me he might do it or he might not. Thankfully my recording with him captures his opinion on me. However to a third party who simply reads his visit notes would nothing but a delusional disorder. He was so vocal in his conversations with me because he had no idea I was recording my conversations with him. Minnesota Law states that as long as you are party to a conversation you can record the conversation without notifying the other person that he or she is being recorded. Such are doctors that forget the oath that they have taken to protect innocent civilians such as myself and that the oath they took calls for them to be duty bound to protect people like me. These doctors then proceed to violate the oath they have taken to not betray their fellow colleagues on paper but will choose to blatantly state to my face that a gross injustice was carried by the medical system because they have no idea they are being recorded.  Such are the injustices that were done to me. 

- Dr. Joanne Rogin who asked for a 5 day VEEG in my apartment in Edina MN from the Minneapolis Clinic of Neurology and was probably the most through in regards to counting the number of events she saw on the recording and putting it down on paper where she stated  she saw that 696 events in a week had taken place and said that TOURETTES MUST BE RULED OUT. However she was not concerned by it. She was not even concerned that I was living all alone in an apartment with 696 episodes in a week. 696 events in  a week is close to a 100 episodes in a day. In 2012 they did not a see a single episode in my 30 day inpatient stay and yet because my ex-husband wanted it, they committed me to a 6 month Jarvis order that was the beginning of a 3 year strategy to get sole custody of the girls. Here the doctor saw about a 100 episodes a day, however in her mind did not think any other tests needed to be done nor was she concerned about my safety especially when she knew I lived all alone with no family. What then was the injustice carried out in 2012 and what could the justice system and the medical system have done to ensure getting to the bottom of what happened on that surgery table in 2010 and ensuring that I never lost my children???

- The MN Center  of Sexual Health was certainly helpful when they issued a letter that stated that there is not a physiological explanation for what I go thru but she would defer me to a psychiatrist to see if there were any thoughts that were  bringing on the sexual stimulation which is gross injustice to me, especially when my day is so well documented showing that I am always typing or on the phone, either applying for jobs, finding legal resources, reading the law, researching doctors, crafting everything in writing so that there is no miscommunication. What room is there for sexual thoughts for me to feel this kind of sexual onslaught with such intentional openings of my anus and vagina to be prepped for intercourse especially when I am woken up at night to be kept orgasming and screaming for 3 hrs straight. She is a physician of the Center of Sexual Health and could not come up with a single test.

Dr. Eric English - Courtesy the intense sexual stimulation I lived for 2 years I had to undergo a total hysterectomy in 2017 December. He was the doctor that took care of me post surgery. He did do a couple of tests as he wondered about sacral nerve compression for the persistent genital arousal however was unable to find any on a pelvic CT scan or a pelvic ultrasound. In his notes when he came up blind for a physical reason as a cause, he proceeded to ignore every opinion that states that my profanity and laughter is involuntary and unprovoked and proceeded to state on my records that once I get home, I have a need to let out to decompress which contributes to the coprolalia seen in my episodes. He authored his notes without any concern towards the impact of what every statement authored by him left on my life not to mention any consideration that should have been kept in mind as he wrote it, in terms of how little respect  is given to an individual as it pertains to any other medical doctor looking at a patient with such a colorful mental health history, society, medical insurance, long term care or even life insurance when considering a past mental health diagnosis.