Shakopee Police Reports

Oct 10-6-2010 to 10-9-2010 - I reported that I felt like my life was being monitored, I heard clicks into my phone, I wondered about the privacy of my records - Officers not wearing a videocam nor audio recorders refused to do a bug sweep AND asked me to go to a home security company as per 10-7-2010 report. They were willing to accept a report from a home security company here IN 2010 even though they outright refused to accept a private investigators report when I brought the police department one in 2017.

On Aug 26th 2011As per this police report writing, ex-husband states that the couple had gotten into a verbal argument. It also stated that I refused to say much to the police officers. The officers forgot to report in their reports that they did not take in any cues from me, any signs of distress that I might have worn on my face,  nor did they report their failure to wear a audio or video cam and simply declared me un-co-operative. It did not even occur to them that I might not want to say anything in the ex-husbands presence.

On May 4th -Allina Health Transport to St. Francis. I was put on a 72 hr hold before I was shipped to Owatonna. The ex-husband's affidavit was filled with the torture he had lived for the last 2 years, how every waking moment of his life was controlled by me and how there was no telling what I might do to home thru the midst of profanity, hysterics, the physical abuse rendered by me  to physically hurt him and the children, and the lack of rationale behind my OCD to 2 young girls who began to live this treatment day in and day out since just the tender age of 4.

No Social Worker thought to ask him that if this is the way he felt, why did he choose to expose the girls to so much danger ? Why come forward now? No Police Officer was curious especially given my past interactions with the police where I was always silent. The fear I lived never crossed their minds.

After I was committed - no episodes were seen. The strangeness behind that was lost on everyone. I was diagnosed with Schizophrenia and medicated with 5 atypical antipsychotics and left to die as a vegetable where I picked me up each day in the miserable baggage I had turned into and got me to work every single day for 6 months straight. The fact that it all begins after a surgery is lost on everyone doctors or police.

$40,000 savings mysteriously disappeared. My case manager did not ask any questions. My parents spoke to my case manager Heidi Schultz but there is no documentation from their meetings.

Report 10-11-2013 - $70,000 jewelry stolen - Officer reports that no evidence could be gathered on that day

Report 10-20-2013 -Officer Reports that the ex-husband told the maid to leave as he was not sure what I would do to the maid. The maid told the officer that I had displayed a knife in a threatening aggressive manner and that the maid was scared of me. The maid also said that the use of my profanity truly scared her. So why did the officer not report  the lack of safety and how unsafe the environment was to county officials and ask for another commitment.

The officer also mentions that there is a history of my mental illness available on a public portal New World in this report.

September 7th 2014 - Husband portrays that I took electronic equipment off the wall because I was in a manic state not that he was forcing himself on me and inflicting himself on me. The officers do not have any body cam nor any audio recorder and report me as highly erratic and un co-operative and ensured I was committed. The committal did not hold up to standards and was dismissed.

September 13th 2014 - The husband voices concerns about how concerned he was about my threats to have him arrested on domestic abuse grounds and that he was at his wits end, utterly helpless and not knowing what will happen to him. The police offers DHs services to him. In the meantime the police officers have received signed affidavits from my parents witnessing how he abused me the entire week which was disregarded by the police courtesy their bias towards my mental health and did not lift a finger to help me. They have also received other written statements from me calling out the abuse that did not even merit a phone call from them.

September 24th  2014I wanted to speak to a victims advocate and the system did not want to help me as they offered me no advice on domestic abuse, how to protect myself or how to use a victims advocate.

May 2nd 2015 - The husband told the police that I had been accruing thousand of dollars in debt. No form of evidence was gathered by the police. They bought the ex-husband blind and exhibited their bias towards my mental health and advised the ex-husband of civil options.

May 26th 2015 - The ex-husband is at the police station gathering reports and wondering how to protect himself from his wife. The officer spoke to him about gathering evidence. The officers discussed living arrangements and the ex-husband told them that he was considering finding alternate living arrangements.

July 2nd 2015 - Mother has locked herself in the room with the girls and the father is in complete panic fearing what I might do to them.

September 10th 2015The ex-husband calls in the police as I was yelling at the girls according to him. The officers are again not wearing body cams or audio especially when threat to the girls were being reported. They called me extremely erratic and un co-operative with no evidence to back their statements up.

March 3rd 2016 - Shakopee Police Department refuses to take cyber threats on my machine seriously, contacts ex-husband, he tells them he is granted temporary custody, officer immediately rejects my claims as computer hacking has not been heard off it in his entire career. I wonder did he maybe choose to dismiss me because he was adamant to call me mentally ill and dismiss me with  a woman of no intelligence while oblivious to the fact that the courts were declaring me competent enough to represent myself. The Shakopee police also chose to dismiss the clear obvious motive behind the very generous monthly settlement of a mere $1000 to support myself and to represent myself while living alone while the ex-husband chose to use his monthly $15,000 salary to appoint himself a fancy lawyer. It also never occurred to them that a woman who had had her bank accounts frozen for years clearly had an ex-husband in a highly advantageous financial state  Who had chosen to accrue thousands of dollars not declared to the courts to keep a lawyer married to his hip for 3 years, spend money on spanking new furniture, a new car, and 2 exotic vacations every year. Why did the Shakopee police dept not see a gaping hole in the lies that were told when I had no money to even procure a lawyer till my parents gave me some cash. Is it not utter bias and prejudice towards me that causes them to be so blind and ensure of my life in harms way? Does the life of a woman who is declared mentally ill mean so little? Does her life have so little worth? Are only people who are declared normal if society understands what normal is have a life that is worth saving? Does the life of a challenged individual who is challenged whatever reasons get pushed down a toilet into a gutter of filth? Is that where she is destined to die?

Feb 2nd 2017 - My eyesight almost instantaneously declined. I could not read anything. I went to Walmart and got myself prescription glasses. Brand new prescription glasses were  stolen from my home. Who would know to steal it right away? The Ex-husband while giving me only $1000  refused to pay for the prescription glasses. I had to resort to buying readers off the shelves off Walmart. I have spent the last 3 years barely being able to read with the readers and I still have to as the enormous spending sprees have not been mine but rather his.

Feb 24th 2017 - I indicated to the officer that I had photographed every room in the house and that winter coats and imp documents were missing from my home. He chalked it up to my mental illness as stated in his report in spite of a theft of $70,000 in that home and dismissed it. I was at the time living alone in the home.

Reports from April 1 2017 and June 1 2017 - Officers claim to call me without even realizing that I did not occupy the home and that the home was now owned by the ex-husband

Report 10-18-2018 - Officer does not wear an audio cam or a video cam. They do not articulate in the report that I had requested an OFP to protect me so that I can move out of the house in peace. Nor do they articulate my conversation with them where in I stated that the ex-husband ignored the request I had made for him to not be on the premises when I was packing my stuff and instead forced his presence around me so that I could not pack my belongings in peace and move out peacefully. He ensured of his presence in the home hovering around me to mock me as the judge had denied me the OFP. He has done nothing but gloat in my face since the 2012 committal. That committal cut my legs from under me as the court appointed attorney, the court appointed case worker and the family did nothing for me. Since my committal in 2012, where the court ordered a month stay in the institution with 6 months committed to  psychiatric care with neuroleptics as a direct result of a complete lack of advocacy for me in the justice system, he has never failed to point out to me as to how alone I was on this road and how nobody would lift a finger to help me. He even went to the extent to state that the day he divorced me I would have to leave completely alone as no court system would listen to what I had to say. He even asked me to think long and hard if I should continue to want to stay out of his bed and continue the marriage as I was living which was to live a complete separate life in a separate bedroom inside the same home just focused on raising my 2 innocent girls. I also told the officers that just the prior night I was in the ER, I was sick and could have done without an abusers presence. What was he so paranoid about where he had the need to hover around me and then call the cops when I broke out into episodes of profanityat the end of the day while still packing? I lived in that home from Nov 2015 to March 2017. If I wanted to destroy things I could have easily done so in that period so why did he force himself on me and ensure of his presence especially when I was sick? The officers forget to report all of that.

Between August of 2015 to Oct of 2018, Shakopee Police Dept tailed me several times, parked on side streets, flashed their sirens right away and ensured that they cancel my license. All tailing incidents are posted on my blog

The first incident of tailing that u see on my blog is really intimidating where u see a K9 Unit so close butt up against my car. You wonder about what message was he trying to send.

Courtsey the Shakopee's Police Department insistence to call me mentally ill in every report without investigating a single statement from the ex-husband I have not had a job since 2012 which makes it 7 years without a job. I spent 2 years between 2017 and 2019 working thru the Bloomington workforce center with vocational counselors by my side while I applied for jobs as low as $10 an hr and still couldn't manage to land a job courtesy the lies spread about me by my ex-husband and how the Shakopee Police exaggerated the ex-husband's lies. If no hospital wants to commit me even for a week to observe me inspite of me showing them video recordings of how I break into episodes every 30 sec and all my last 3 committals were dismissed, I hope that tells the Shakopee Police Dept about the threat I present to myself or others.