I was alleged of spending of 1000's of dollars on Private Investigative agencies courtesy my mania and mental illness  where it appeared that I  was adamant on pursuing agencies in an attempt to prove mind control. The police tried to portray me as an individual where I was vulnerable and that I was being swindled of thousands of dollars courtesy my inability or decompensation of my illness. The police have never been able to attach facts or evidence to their reports, but rather balloon up the report with content that is untrue. They state whatever they feel like saying without backing a single statement with evidence which is nothing but force of their sheer power that they want to inflict. Listed below : are the key documents that negate the pre-petition screening report

All bullets below are clickable Links

1) Invoice Paid to Private Investigator - Shows me paying $2450 as oppose to the thousands of dollars that were alleged.

10-2-2018 Recording with Police that shows I never stated that thousands of dollars were spent nor was I upset at him not arresting my ex-husband.

10-2-2018 Recording with Police later that evening showing the Shakopee Police Department Attitude has transferred over to the Burnsville Police Dept where they just will not see it as anything but a mental health problem

2) Employer Reference Letter showing that the period in which they alleged me of decompensating the most I was working an 8 hr shift from 2 p.m. to 10 p.m. I was also riding the Metro Mobility Bus for 4 hrs to get to and fro from my destination.

3) Other Refence Letters showing that they have never seen any disturbance from me or vile behavior.

4) Director Jason Sole's email who was the Director of Public Safety  appointed by the Office of Mayor Malvin Carter promising me to find an FBI agent

5) Original Audio Recording - At 18 min and after, not schizophrenic, a low dose of cirtriline offered which is an SSRI, she was not invested one way or the other if I took it.

Please note that the pre-petition screening report reports that the social worker in Dr. Vinogradov's team said that Dr. Vinogradov had offered me neuroleptics and that I denied it. This call recording clearly shows that she offered me an SSRI and not a neuroleptic and was agnostic of whether I took it or not. Social Worker also indicated that I had spent large amounts of money on a private investigator which of course she gleams of a police report.

One carrier carries to another, it gets fabricated even more and by the time it reaches the end destination there is no truth left if there was any truth to begin with.

The only truth reported is that I logged cyber crime reports. Only the mentally ill reports cyber crimes. No normal individual does. Regardless of how many times the police get told that no doctor gets it, in fact the doctors ruined my life by misdiagnosing me with Schizophrenia in 2012, it fell on deaf years and the  Shakopee Police Department did not give merit to a single word I said and ensured that my mental health was highlighted in every police report -- let be the burglary worth $70,000 police report, let be domestic abuse related police reports, let be bank accounts frozen by ex-husband etc...  Police Attitude in conjunction with the Doctors labels from the committal of 2012 left me with no job and no resources  - no lawyer for me,  no resources to barely be able to even eat at a restaurant (of which all my cc statements are proof of), while the ex husband hired a fancy lawyer for almost 5 years, and took fancy vacations every year  till COVID began but hey none of this rang motive. Only the mental health label that was an utter misdiagnosis on the basis of the ex-husband's statements gave the Shakopee Police Department the Authority to mandate and list mental health in bold  all their reports so that no other police department would believe me which  was clearly seen in the attitude of the Edina Police Department and a much stronger attitude was seen within the Burnsville Police Department.

6) The June 2018 Committal was shut down clearly showing that Dr. Vinogradov and Team were aware of the noise pollution report that my episodes in the internet cafe in the Cedars of Edina my apartment complex in Edina  gave rise to as it was listed in the affidavit from the county requesting a committal. Inspite of it the Judge let me go right away after the police took me over to the hospital as I did not hold up to Committal Standards.

Courtesy the Police after waiting 7 years for a job I lost my job at Medtronic and I also lost another job which was offered by the agency who placed me up at Medtronic. Today that employer will not work with me for another 2 years courtesy the Burnsville Police Department, because I could not attend the 2nd interview courtesy my hospital stay and also because they were just made aware that I was committed by the Burnsville police department. Regardless of the laws against discrimination they boldly stated that they refuse to work with a mentally ill woman.  The Police Department are clearly not satisfied after wrecking my life  and by enabling my abuser my ex-husband all the way thru. The Police Department even forgot to be objective and even forgot judicial boundaries when they advised my ex-husband to initiate civil action against me i.e. initiate a divorce but however did  seem to have trouble investigating my ex-husband when I called in domestic violence reports as that was out of their per vue and belonged with a domestic violence crisis counselor. They also had trouble stepping out of their state administered jurisdictions when cyber attack evidence was offered as that belonged with the Federal Authorities. I suppose today law enforcement feels so better about the lives they saved when they did their job and offered marital advice as oppose to figuring out crime.

There is more. No OBGYN is able to do anything for me anymore. No Neurologist will take my case as of June 2018 even though there are OBGYN's recommending neurologic care.  Psychiatry has never seen a case like this in 27 years of their career yet there is such an adamancy to treat this as Psychiatry inspite of the misdiagnosis of 2012. The misdiagnosis of 2012 took my entire life away and made it impossible for me to avail of care anywhere else as doctors wash their hands of me and push me back into Psychiatry. If they did not have it straight in 2012 what makes it such that they have their act together today. They are just playing with my life by throwing darts on the board which makes them dangerous when they do  not even get what they are doing and just playing trial and error games. County appointed case managers are never truly your advocates because if they were, they would on their own accord push for second opinions and maybe I would have had a shot for pushing for medical malpractice. County appointed Case Managers prefer to work with the state as they are keeping one other innocent victim an overly medicated vegetable and have ensured to the county their assurance that they won't hear from this trapped individual/vegetable.

Not to mention how important it is for a doctor never to second guess a doctors diagnosis until the statue of limitations has passed. The beauty and wonder is that the statue of limitations on medical malpractice in the state of Minnesota is 4 years. So it is super important that no diagnosis on record be changed till at least 5-6 years from the first diagnosis has elapsed which in my case is May 2017 - May 2018. If doctors are smart they will give it an extra year so clearly the victim can never go back to court. 

The first I got a doctor to put it in writing on a letterhead was post May 2017.

All bullets below are bulletized

1) Recording with Dr. Enagade my  OBGYN - My conversation begins when there is 7 min of the video left

2) A letter from Dr. Enegade recommending Neurology which the neurologist is resisting

3) A letter from the MN Center of Sexual Health letting me know that there is no more that can be done

4) A Voice Recording with Dr. Kessler showing how unique my case is and how it does not conform with any Psychiatric Disorder

Please click on the 3 dots on the right of the playback once u click on the link to play the recording.  Once u click on the 3 dots you will see an option to download the playback. Please download the recording so that u can play it in Windows Media Player. For some reason the recording does not play on the site but will play in windows media player.

Also if u have your setting to always play .amr files with Windows Media Player it will automatically play any .amr file in Windows Media Player without you having to download the file.

A Victim of Organized Crime