Schizophrenia Research Programs

Key Research Programs that I can be Advocated For

Mayo Clinic - Behavioral Neurology - Study of Hallucinations - Expertise in Evaluating and Treating People with Brain Conditions using Diagnostic Tools   

Studies Showing Results From the Use of FMRI Testing in Schizophrenia

Mayo Clinic Neuroimaging Center

EEG Used In the Diagnosis of Psychiatric Disorders

Use of FMRI in the Study of Schizophrenia - University of Minnesota

Functional Relevance of Dopamine Receptors in Patients with Schizophrenia

Higher Amounts of Certain Neurotransmitters Present in Patients with Schizophrenia

Studies of Frontal Lobe Functioning in Schizophrenia

Brain Tissue Collection for Neuropathological Studies such as Schizophrenia and Bipolar I and other Mood Disorders

Volunteer for Research at John Hopkins in the Study of Schizophrenia

National Institute of Mental Health - Principal Investigators that Can Conduct Diagnostic Studies

University of Minnesota - Dr Jose Pardo -  leads a research program which seeks to elucidate the functional architecture of the human brain with particular emphasis on how dysfunction within neural networks relates to psychiatric disorders. The multidisciplinary approach (in close collaboration with the Brain Sciences Center, Department of Psychology, Department of Psychiatry, and GRECC) involves methods from cognitive neuroscience, including several imaging modalities, particularly PET and fMRI.

University of Minnesota - Division of Molecular Medicine - Study of Diseases at the Molecular Level

Use of FMRI in Conjunction with DBS (Deep Brain Stimulation Techniques) to study Predictor Outcomes in Ill Brains

Cognitive Nuero Imaging Center Minneapolis - Dr. James Pardo

University of Minnesota - TriCam Lab - Cognitive Research - Study of Mental Disorders

University of Minnesota Nuero Modulation Clinic MnDrive  - Clinical Trials

University of Minnesota - Division of Molecular Medicine - Study of Diseases at the Molecular Level

Clinical Trials found Nation Wide to Study Schizophrenia

Obama Brain Initiative Program to Study Disorders like Schizophrenia and So Much More - Programs Funded by the Brain Initiative Program to study a Schizophrenic brain if your local state does not have the tools and mechanisms available to study your ill neuronal chemistry.

Icahn School of Medicine - Schizophrenia Research Programs

Schizophrenia Research Center - Colorado

Schizophrenia Research Group - Duke University North Carolina

The Green Lab, Dedicated to the Cognition in Schizophrenia - UCLA - Los Angles - CA

Study of the Mind and Brain using fMRI

FMRI used to Study Hallucinations in Schizophrenia as Studied in Epilepsy

Studies that show Low Bone Mineral Density in Schizophrenia

Molecular Psychiatry in Schizophrenia

A FMRI Study Used to Detect Brain Activity when provided with a certain kind of Stimulus - Used as a Predictor to study predictor or outcomes based on any stimuli input.

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory -  Funded by the Department of Defense DARPA to study the brain neuronal chemistry to treat PTSD, Alzheimer's, Psychiatric Disorders, to build implantable devices to fix the handicapped brain neuronal chemistry - Another Lab that maybe your advocate appointed by the state if you are declared mentally ill to champion for you by leveraging its appointed funds to study your ill brain.


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